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WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!




WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!
yr3/4 science lesson on climate change

yr3/4 science lesson on climate change

In this lesson pack for Year 3 and year 4, pupils will learn about climate change. They will learn in simple terms what the greenhouse effect is and how it is contributing to the climate crisis. Included in the pack is an experiment to do as a whole class, demonstrating the greenhouse effect. This pack includes: A PowerPoint presentation explaining climate change A lesson plan A flow chart to help pupils find a way to help solve the climate crisis A printable climate pledge
P6 and P7 Science lesson on climate change

P6 and P7 Science lesson on climate change

In this lesson pack for P6 and P7, pupils will learn about climate change. They will learn in simple terms what the greenhouse effect is and how it is contributing to the climate crisis. Included in the pack is a letter explaining that the school could be chosen for a renewable energy source, which will spark a debate in your classroom. This pack includes: A PowerPoint presentation explaining climate change and renewable energy sources A lesson plan A flow chart to help pupils find a way to help solve the climate crisis An explanation text on solar panels and wind turbines A fabricated letter from a council’s sustainability department to set up the debate
yr5 and 6 science lesson on climate change

yr5 and 6 science lesson on climate change

In this lesson pack for Year 5, year 6, pupils will learn about climate change. They will learn in simple terms what the greenhouse effect is and how it is contributing to the climate crisis. Included in the pack is a letter explaining that the school could be chosen for a renewable energy source, which will spark a debate in your classroom. This pack includes: A PowerPoint presentation explaining climate change and renewable energy sources A lesson plan A flow chart to help pupils find a way to help solve the climate crisis An explanation text on solar panels and wind turbines A fabricated letter from a council’s sustainability department to set up the debate
year 4 science lesson on food chains

year 4 science lesson on food chains

In this lesson pack for year 4, linking to the topics Animals including humans pupils will learn about food chains and what the role of the producer, prey and predator is. They will make their own food chain using cardboard tubes. This lesson pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan with cross-curricular links A PowerPoint presentation explaining food chains Instructions to make food chain animals tubes Whole class food chain game Pictures to support lower ability learners Simple to resource! The items you will need: Cardboard tubes from kitchen rolls Scissors Sticky tape Glue Paper and pens
year 3 shadow investigation science lesson

year 3 shadow investigation science lesson

This lesson pack for year 3 , Linking to the topic light sets up an investigation for your class. Pupils will make a shadow and see how it changes when they move it away from the light source. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation with instructions Printable results table Printable Stone Age shadow puppets Simple to resource! The items you will need: A2 paper Rulers Card Torches
yr3/4 Stone Age Poo Science lesson

yr3/4 Stone Age Poo Science lesson

In this lesson pack for year 3, year 4, pupils will find out how archaeologists find out what Stone Age people ate. They will excavate food from a fake Stone Age poo and record their findings. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation containing information about what was eaten in the Stone Age Differentiated results tables Instructions to make the poo Simple to resource! The items you will need: Ingredients to make the Stone Age poo Rulers Lollypop sticks or cocktails sticks
Year 4 science: Chocolate investigation

Year 4 science: Chocolate investigation

This lesson pack for year 4 , linking to the topics states of matter , is an investigation about chocolate. Pupils will set up a comparative test to answer a question. This pack contains: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation setting up the lesson A results table Simple to resource! The items you will need: Chocolate Stopwatches Thermometers Cupcake cases
Science: Force year 5  marble run

Science: Force year 5 marble run

Linking to the topics forces and magnets and forces, this is a fun investigation for year 5 and P6 about gravity and friction. Pupils will build a simple marble run using carboard and masking tape. Their challenge will be to see who can make their run last the longest by experimenting with friction. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan. A PowerPoint presentation explaining gravity, friction and air resistance
Year 2 Science: mouldable materials

Year 2 Science: mouldable materials

An investigation for year 2 , linking to the topics everyday materials . Pupils will sort stretchy, flexible and inflexible materials by testing if they can bend or be twisted, stretched, pulled or squashed. Then it’s time to get creative and competitive in a game which involves moulding dough into an animal shape. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation containing instructions for the game Printable game One guided reading spread entitled ‘plastic fantastic’ Simple to resource! The items you will need: plasticine, Play-doh or modelling clay Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 2 Science: grow plant pets

Year 2 Science: grow plant pets

An investigation for year 2, linking to the topics plants, focussing on how seeds germinate. Pupils will enjoy a fun gardening activity, where they will design and make their own grass head pets. They will then do an experiment to discover what plants need in order to grow. This pack includes: Two differentiated lesson plans A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Super Seeds’ Printable discussion prompts Two guided reading spreads based on pets like dogs, cats and mice including information about how microchips work Simple to resource! The items you will need: Soil or compost Grass seeds Old nylon tights Googly eyes, felt or beads Plant pots or bowls Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 3 Science: how water drains through soil.

Year 3 Science: how water drains through soil.

An investigation for year 3 linking with the topic plants . We already know that plants need water to grow, but what happens if they have too much, and how does soil type help them to get the right amount? In this lesson, pupils will do an experiment to discover the best combination of soil and sand for drainage, and the reasons that this is important to plants. This pack contains: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation which includes instructions for the activity A printable set of instructions Two guided reading spreads: The secret life of seeds and an interview with a young scientist Simple to resource! The items you will need: Plastic cups Potting soil Sand Mixing bowl Newspaper Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 5 Science: Investigate air resistance

Year 5 Science: Investigate air resistance

An investigation for year 5, linking to the topic Forces. Pupils will have fun creating simple straw planes and then devising their own investigations. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan. A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Up, up and away’, which explains how planes fly. A group planning sheet. Three guided reading spreads: The Wright brothers, how drones work and ‘Would you fly in a plane without a pilot?’ Simple to resource! The items you will need: Paper straws Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Science Year 4/P5  investiagtion into sound

Science Year 4/P5 investiagtion into sound

In this lesson pack for year 4 and P5, linking to the topic sound, pupils will make their own pin strummer. They will create their own investigations, choosing one variable to change. The pack includes: A PowerPoint presentation entitled 'A mash-up of musical science’ including instructions for how to make an instrument using hair pins. A lesson plan. Simple to resource! The items you will need: Hair pins Clean, empty containers made from different materials Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Y6 and P7  Science Make a Urinary System

Y6 and P7 Science Make a Urinary System

This resource includes a differentiated lesson plan linked to the national curriculum, a PowerPoint presentation that explains how the urinary system and kidneys work, a printable wee chart, instructions to make a urinary system and a Wee-ly true quiz. Linking to the topics animals including humans and body system and cells, this lesson pack for year 6 and P7 teaches how our urinary system works. Think about everything you’ve eaten since yesterday. Right now, your body is breaking it down to release the energy and nutrients you need to grow. This also produces chemicals you don’t need. Your body gets rid of them by making wee! Your body has a whole wee-producing department called the urinary system, including your kidneys, bladder and the tubes that connect them and carry the wee out of your body. This pack includes: A lesson plan, complete with an explanation of how our kidneys work. Differentiated printable instructions to make a urinary system. A PowerPoint presentation that explains how the urinary system and kidneys work. A printable wee colour chart. A Wee-ly true quiz. Simple to resource! The items you will need: Empty shoe box Empty plastic cartons Coffee filters A heavy weight, like a tin of food Paper straws Balloons Yellow food colouring
Y2 and P3  Wheels and Axles

Y2 and P3 Wheels and Axles

This resource contains a differentiated lesson plan linked to the national curriculum, a PowerPoint presentation explaining how wheels and axles work, printable instructions and a differentiated table for results. An investigation for year 2 and P3, linking to the topic everyday materials. Pupils will learn how wheels and axles work and investigate whether it is easier or harder to lift a heavy load with larger or smaller wheels. Pupils will also consider which material would be best to use for the wheels. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation explaining how wheels and axles work Differentiated tables for results Printable instructions Simple to resource! The items you will need include: Wooden skewers Pairs of lids of different sizes and made of different materials A bag of flour
P6 Science - Cupcake investigation

P6 Science - Cupcake investigation

What is the job of each ingredient in a cake? The fastest way to find out is to leave one ingredient out and see what happens! A fun investigation for year 5 and P6, linking to the topics properties and changes of materials and properties and uses of substances. This downloadable pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan which includes a scientific explanation. A PowerPoint presentation explaining cake chemistry. A printable results table. Printable instructions Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 5 Science- Yeast investigation

Year 5 Science- Yeast investigation

An investigation for year 5, linking to the topic properties and changes of materials . Yeast is a living thing. In this investigation, pupils will try to discover the best habitat for yeast to make the best pizza dough. This downloadable pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan, which includes a scientific explanation. A PowerPoint presentation explaining what yeast is. A printable set of group instructions. Instructions for a speedy science activity on popcorn (this is a quick 10 min science demonstration done by a teacher). Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
P6 Science:Yeast investigation

P6 Science:Yeast investigation

An investigation for P6, linking to the topic properties and uses of substances. Yeast is a living thing. In this investigation, pupils will try to discover the best habitat for yeast to make the best pizza dough. This downloadable pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan, which includes a scientific explanation. A PowerPoint presentation explaining what yeast is. A printable set of group instructions. Instructions for a speedy science activity on popcorn (this is a quick 10 min science demonstration done by a teacher). Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 5 Science lesson Explosions

Year 5 Science lesson Explosions

This lesson pack for year 5 and P6, linking to the topics properties and changes of materials and properties and uses of substances is a hands-on investigation where pupils will create their own safe chemical explosion. In small groups, pupils will plan their own fair test, changing one variable at a time to see if it alters the speed of the explosion. This downloadable pack includes: A lesson plan complete with differentiation and links to the curriculum. A PowerPoint presentation which explains different types of explosions and includes instructions for the investigation. A printable worksheet with a table and squared paper to draw the results in a line graph. Simple to resource! The items you will need: Vinegar Bicarbonate of soda Grip seal bags (like the ones grated cheese comes in) Stopwatches
Yr5 Science lesson:Thermal conductivity

Yr5 Science lesson:Thermal conductivity

An investigation for year 5, linking to the topic properties and changes of materials. Pupils will find out how animals are able to keep warm in cold temperatures by creating their own blubber glove. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation containing instructions for the investigation A printable results table Simple to resource! The items you will need: Ice and water Plastic bags or rubber gloves Lard or Trex